Financial Calendars

Financial Calendar

The new Financial Calendar shows a snap-shot of loaded data at each point of time.

By means of the financial calendar you can set a time alert in AgenaTrader for the most important dates and even show those information in the chart at the specific date and time of the event. Should you need to see all changes it is necessary to reload the financial calendar (there is no automatic transfer of data).

You have the option to choose Economic, Earnings, Holidays and Dividend Dates, more details below the image. 



Option Meaning
Economic Show most important economic events which drive the worldwide markets, each event is referred to the currencies it will affect the most.
Earnings List of companies which are giving out earning reports at this date.
Holidays Worldwide Holidays and therefore closed exchanges are listed here.
Dividend Dates List of companies which are paying dividends at this date.
Country Here you can choose for which countries you want to load the specific information.
Period Specify for which time period you want to look at the information.


Create Time Alert

The right click on a calendar will open the context menu with the following options:


  1. Create Time Alert allows to create time alert visible on a chart
  2. MS Excel Export: exports all information into a CSV file.

Financial Alert  

The Create Time Alert definition popup allows you to input the following values:

Column Meaning
Date&Time Date and time of the (next) reminder
Reason The reason for alert (set manually)
Iteration Repetition frequency for the time alert. If no repetition frequency is entered here, the alert will be triggered only once.
Iteration Type tba
Sound The sound to be played when the alert is triggered. If no sound is selected, the reason for the alert will be spoken by a synthetic voice.
E-Mail An Email address can be entered (e.g. user at If the price alert gets triggered a notification will be sent per email.
Popup If the price alert gets triggered a notification will be send as popup.
Mobile Notific. Enable mobile notification
Cancel Deletes the alert
Parameter Custom user input
Show Display alert on Chart
Instruments Display alert only on exact Instrument Chart
Color Color of alert


Time Alert  

Arz Important!  Alert can only be placed for events that are in the future not in the past.

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