
Check for updates - Hotfix

As soon as a new version of AgenaTrader becomes available, you will receive a message with the download link.
The changes made in new versions are presented in the release notes.


If user click No button he may choose Install updates Later or Skip current Version.

Please note: our team cannot support issues that occur in an outdated version.

When you click the Yes button AgenaTrader propose you to backup your entire system. Details in Backup section:


After user skip or launch backup the updated version will be downloaded (this takes 1-2 minutes). When it is finished, the setup will be started automatically as soon as you close AgenaTrader.

Hotfix is basically the same as an update. Once hotfix is available, you will be informed of this after restarting the system.
The function of hotfix is primarily to correct bugs in the latest version, not to provide you with new functionalities.

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