Histories and market data

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Missing market data

Sometimes it can also occur that the charts in AgenaTrader do not tick, or do not show any market data (histories and current prices), or that the data is only loaded after a manual update.

Here you have several options as to how to solve this. To do so, please check the following:

Do I have the latest version?

Make sure that you are using the most up-to-date AgenaTrader release. You should always have the latest version installed, since you are alerted to the update by a popup when you start up AgenaTrader, where you should also carry it out immediately.
If for some reason, however, you are working with an older version for which there is already an update, you can tell by the little green icon next to the version number in the bottom right corner of your AgenaTrader window. By clicking on this, you start the update process.
In addition, you can always download the most recent version or even update to the latest beta version from our website under Platform / Current version.

Important: beta versions are still under development - which means that you should keep in mind that you are using a product that is still in the test phase.


Have I connected AgenaTrader to the broker and data feed correctly?

Our connection guides help you to establish connections; you can find them, among other places, in our AgenaSpace.
For this, simply select the desired partners (broker and data feed). Watch these short videos very carefully at your own pace, since there are certain instructions and small setup tips (such as sychronizing all ports) to be followed and taken into account for each provider.

Do I have the right account settings?

Your data feed must be selected as a data feed (DF), and in the Data feed tab, you need to set it to "all" or to the instrument types that you would like to see. You should also check whether you have subscribed to the data for the respective instrument with your provider. 

Have I imported the instrument lists and mappings?

Under Tools -> Instrument Escort: Markets and Mappings, check that all mappings of the respective stock exchange have been imported to the data feed. The importing of instrument lists alone is not sufficient. In this Wiki article, you will find a detailed description for importing mappings and lists.
When you search for your desired markets in the Instrument Escort, under Providers, you will see a Mapped Symbol for the desired data feed:


Are the trading times set correctly?

In the Instrument Escort, you can check whether you have set the trading times for the respective instrument correctly. In the Configuration Escort, under History -> Marketplace Escort, you can check trading times, trading breaks and reversal times. We strongly recommend you to always keep these on the default settings!

Have I selected the right chart style?

Check in the Chart Tool Bar (Timeframes -> Custom Parameters -> Periodicity) and in the Chart Selection (Custom Parameters -> Periodicity) whether a style has been set here (e.g.: Heikin Ashi) that is not applicable for this instrument or the data feed.

Have I subscribed to market data for the instrument (symbol)?

Contact your broker or data feed and find out whether the data of the desired instruments (symbols/markets) is enabled for you. If you are only receiving delayed data, you will see red writing displaying "delayed data".

(Only for futures) Has the correct contract month been set?

In the Instrument Escort, open the desired instrument using the search field in the top left, and change the Expiry box in the details tab accordingly.

Here you will find further information on the contracts.

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