
 The Notes tab saves your notes for each trading day and sorts them automatically by date of creation.



The right click on a day field will open a the context menu for a complete trading day with the following options:

  • Expand/Collapse: opens or closes the notes for the particular day (also achieved by left clicking on the corresponding row).
  • Delete notes for ...(date): removes notes for the entire day.
  • MS Excel Export: exports all notes into a CSV file.
  • Save to File: saves all notes as a TXT file.

The right click on a note will open the context menu with the following options:


  • Edit: allows you to edit the note (also achieved by double-clicking on the note).
  • Delete note: removes the note
  • MS Excel Export: exports all notes into a CSV file.
  • Save to File: saves all notes as a TXT file.

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