
Chart Container: Single Chart Group


In order to open a single chart group inside the container use one of the options:

  1. Select Single chart group by using Main -> New -> Chart container or
  2. Click the icon SCG in the application toolbar within the main window.

Single Chart Group

Single Chart Group displays the selected instrument in multiple charts within different time frames.

The following parameters are available for configuration in the dialog window:

Parameter Meaning
Instrument The instrument's market symbol. Use the Instr button to open the Instrument Escort selection tree
Price style Candle, bar, line chart, etc
Bars count Defines the number of periods
Time period Defines the time interval, from the start date to the end date (days back), for which the chart should display the data.
Time frame Includes the predefined time frames. You can set these up using the Configuration Еscort and tabs General -> Action Bar
Add Allows you to add a non-predefined time frame into the chart group.
Single Chart Group Create1
Template Saved Chart Toolbar: Chart templates can be selected here.

Once you have confirmed the entry data, the single chart group will be opened.

Now you can rearrange the chart positions using the Settings -> Chart group -> Set Container Style.
Other functions are described in the section Chart Toolbar: Chart Group.

Container Style

AgenaTrader ++ (plus plus) setups also work in the single chart group.

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