
Condition Escort: Advanced mode

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Advanced mode

This function is only available with the AgenaTrader Andromeda or higher versions of the trading platform.

Condition Escort advanced calculation

As well as the simple calculation pad you can also use the Condition Escort‘s advanced calculation pad.
In addition to the basic operators, the advanced calculation pad allows you to use the module operator "%" for creating more complex expressions.

An advanced calculation can be recognized by the Advanced calculation text within the Condition Escort window.  
Condition Escort  

Please see the Simple calculation video for further information.

Creating conditions in advanced mode


The advanced mode allows you to create AND/OR/XOR conditions with expressions in brackets and logical comparisons.
This can be performed by adding the logical operations with a simple click and therefore does not really require any prior programming knowledge.

You will be able to create new conditions or adapt existing conditions from the simple mode.

If you click the advanced button within the simple mode dialog, then the comparison boxes will display the following:


On the right side of the second comparison box you can see the logical link operator with the following options:


The meaning of the logical connectors:

  • AND -> A and B
  • OR -> either A or B, or both
  • XOR -> either A or B, but not both

The first and the second box also display brackets:


The final advanced condition is completely different from the condition created in the simple mode, and could look like the condition in the image below:


However, it still remains to be proven whether this condition makes any sense or not.

Please see the Simple calculation video for further information.


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