
Trading Information: Trades Manager


The Trades tab displays all currently running and closed positions.

Trades Context  

Column Meaning
Account The account associated with the position
Exchange The exchange for the traded instrument
Type The instrument type (currency, stocks, futures, etc.)
Instrument Name The full instrument name
Symbol The market symbol for an instrument
Direction Long or short position
Time Frame Time frame in which the trade was opened
Entry Time The date and time of the entry order
Entry Reason The reason for the entry (i.e. for for strategies)
Entry Price The price of the entry order
Entry Average Price The average price of all executed entry orders for a specific instrument
Quantity The volume of the position
Current Value The current value of the trade (calculated as quantity times entry avgPrice)
Last Change The date and time of the last order execution for a specific instrument
Exit Reason The reason for exit: manually closed, target, stop, etc.
Exit Price The price of the exit order of the position
Exit Average Price The average price of all executed exit orders for a specific instrument
Volume Closed Closed volume of the position
Exit Currency P&L currency (see settings for PL currency in the Configuration Escort)
Opened P&L The profit/loss of the trade
Closed P&L The realized profit/loss of the trade
Commission Commissions for the executed trades (based on the sum of partial trade commissions)
Comment The cell in which you can enter a comment or add a picture (double-clicking will open an Editor)
Snapshot AgenaTrader can save not only trading data but also various charts within different time frames. In the evaluation list you will find a link to this image. The template to be used for the snapshot can be selected in the Configuration Escort tabs Configuration Escort: Chart.

With a double mouse click on splitter bar you may open chart where selected trade was running:

You may add or change columns. Richt click on a column->Choose Columns

Trades Column

The trades manager context menu includes the following options:

Trades Context M

  • Show PL percent: shows the profit/loss in percent
  • Show executions list: opens the executions popup and shows all conducted executions for this position
  • Show partial trades: opens the partial trades popup and shows all partial trades
  • Edit comment: opens the Editor
  • Active Trades Only: if activated only active trades are displayed if not all trades will be visible.
  • Assign Time Frame: assigns a time frame to the entry order. If no time frame has been assigned within the order list or the trade was opened outside of a chart, then the trade can not be started with AgenaTrader++ (see settings in the Setup Escort). Using this option you can assign a time frame to the trade, but the time frame for trading in AgenaTrader++ cannot be changed.
  • Start AgenaTrader++ plusplus for trade: if the trade has been opened within the 3rd Level Box or the order list, for example, then it cannot be started afterwards in AgenaTrader++. You can only start it in AgenaTrader++ if you have assigned a time frame to it.
  • Close trade: closes the trade.
  • Export to MS Excel: exports the trades list to a CSV file.
  • Create New Instrument List: creates an instrument list from the instruments included in the tab.
  • Replace Instrument List: replaces a created instrument list with another available list.
  • Connect with chart: selecting this functionality allows you to drag a single chart or single chart group with the mouse. This will change the mouse indicator into a rectangle with an arrow. If you now click on the chart, the rows of the position manager will be linked to this chart (single chart or single chart group). After clicking through the instruments in the Strategy Escort, only the appropriate chart will now be loaded.
  • Edit: trade information can be edited manually to ensure a correct Trading Journal.


Edit Trade

With Edit Trades function we created the possibility to edit each trade manually or even add new trades, orders and executions.
As result the Trading Journal displays the final data compared to your trading account at the broker.

Edit Trade1  

Description of buttons:

  • Add Trade State: is always active and a Trade can be added.
  • Add Order: becomes active if you click on Partial Trade since an order can only be part of a partial trade.
  • Add Execution: becomes active if you click on Order since an execution can only be part of an order.
  • The Edit button: becomes active with every item on the list.
  • The Remove button: becomes active with every item on the list.

First item: Edit Trade

Edit Trade2

Second item: Edit Trade State (Partial Trade)

Edit Trade3

Third item: Edit Order

Edit Trade4

Fourth item: Edit Execution

Edit Trade5


Application Instructions

To link the Trades tab to a single chart, use one of the following methods:

  1. right click within the Trades tab and select the Connect with Chart menu item, then move the mouse to the designated chart and click the left mouse button.
  2. left click on the Plus button, then hold down the mouse button, move it into the chart and release the button.

Trades Filter  

The linking of the Trades tab to a single chart group will be available in one of the next AgenaTrader versions.

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