This section describes all user-defined alerts in AgenaTrader.
Price Alerts
The price alert is triggered when a current price has broken through the specified user price level. You can use this to operate in different events on the trading chart. A price alert may also be linked to an order. If the price alert is activated, this either deletes or activates the order.
Should you create a price alert AgenaTrader will note the price of instruments for the creation. Additionaly you can choose, whether the price alert will be activated in RTH (RealTimeTradingHours) only or outside these hours.
Additional information is the section: Add a price alert.
The Price alerts tab contains the following columns:
Right clicking in the Price alerts tab will bring up the context menu with the following options:
- Add Alert: adds a new alert and opens a popup to enter the criteria.
- Edit Alert: opens the popup that allows you to edit the criteria.
- Remove Alert: deletes the selected alert.
- Export to MS Excel: exports the alert rows into a CSV-file.
Price alerts may be saved as order templates. However, this setting is valid for discretionary trades but not for AT++ mode.
Using the Alert handler you can program individual features for alerts.
Important! To make price alert visible on a chart please activate Show Price Alert Lines. Details on page Chart Toolbar: Price markers and spread markers
Time Alerts
Time alert is a one-time or iterative reminder about specific important dates such as:
- 14:30 American market data
- Expiration days for futures or options
- Reminder every Friday at 14:30 during 10 weeks etc.
The Time alerts tab contains the following columns:
Right clicking in the Time alerts tab will bring up the context menu with the following options:
- Add Alert: adds a new alert and opens a popup to enter the criteria.
- Edit Alert: opens the popup that allows you to edit the criteria.
- Remove Alert: deletes the selected alert.
- Export to MS Excel : exports the alert rows into a CSV-file.
You may select the following criteria in the alert popup:
Using the Alert handler you can also program individual features for alerts.
Indicator Alerts
This functionality allows you to set an alert that will inform you when a particular indicator has crossed the defined price level.
Additional information in the section: Add an indicator alert.
The indicator alerts tab contains the following columns:
Right clicking in the Indicator alerts tab will bring up the context menu with the following options:
- Add Alert: adds a new alert and opens a popup to enter the criteria.
- Edit Alert: opens the popup that allows you to edit the criteria.
- Remove Alert: deletes the selected alert.
- Export to MS Excel : exports the alert rows into a CSV-file.
Using the Alert handler you can also program individual features for alerts.
IfDone, OCO Connections between alerts
Connect alerts with IfDone (alt + left mouse button) and OCO (Strg(Ctrl) + left mouse button) connections.
- If the entry order gets triggered the Alert1 short and Alert1 long will be activated because a IfDone connection (green line) was set.
- If the Limit order (long target) gets filled the price Alert1 short will be cancelled because of a OCO connection (red line) was set. Furthermore if the Alert1 (long) gets triggered the Stop order will be cancelled.
- If the Stop order (short stop) gets filled the price Alert1 long will be cancelled because of a OCO connection (red line) was set. Furthermore if the Alert1 (short) gets triggered the Limit (Target) order will be cancelled.
Price alerts can be connected among each other in the OCO-group.