
Chart Toolbar: Start AgenaTrader (plusplus)

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To activate AgenaTrader++ (plusplus) for the selected time frame use one of the options:

  1. Left click on the Icon7 icon within the chart toolbar.
  2. Right click in the charting area to bring up the chart context menu, then select Settings followed by the Start AgenaTrader++ menu item.

Two "++" signs displayed next to the logo at the bottom left of the chart will indicate that AgenaTrader++ (plusplus) has been activated.
This visualization helps you to identify which strategy is currently running on the chart.


You can also keep track of the running strategies within the Strategy Escort.
By clicking on the  Icon23  symbol you can select which Analyzer Session should be scanned for.

You can find further information on the functionalities of AgenaTrader++ (plusplus) in the section: AgenaTrader++ and further versions.

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