This feature allows you to set settings for your account in the TradersYard social platform.
Login section contains:
- User logo (on the right side),
- Short user description
- Login: Allows the user to login.
- Logout: Allows the user to logout.
Trading Analytics section contains:
- Upload Closed Trades to TradersYard...: Means that your closed trades can be uploaded to TradersYard and are calculated for Trading Statisctic Visualization. With this feature, the user can compare his trading success with other traders.
Notifications section contains:
- Message in private chat received: Allows to get the notification when the user receives the message in private chat.
- Message in group chat received: Allows to get the notification when the message in group chat received.
- Message in webinar chat received: Allows to get the notification when the message in webinar chat received.
- Audio/Video streaming is started in group chat: Allows to get the notification when the streaming in group chat started.
- Audio/Video streaming is started in webinar chat: Allows to get the notification when the streaming in webinar chat started.
Chat section contains:
- Hide streaming messages in chat: Allows to hide streaming messages
Notification is going with a sound and small pop-up down left of AgenaTrader: