
Connection and loading issues with XTB (XOpenHub)

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Description of the problem

What has happened?
  • It takes a very long time for the connection to XTB (XOpenHub) to be established as a data feed. Despite a successful connection, it takes 10 minutes or more to load the charts.
  • Halfway through the progress bar, the connection is lost, AgenaTrader reconnects and the loading process restarts from the beginning.
  • AgenaTrader issues warnings in the protocol tab. Histories, instruments, symbols cannot be requested or loaded. Double-clicking on the warning opens the protocol tab.
What does this mean?
  • The mapping of XTB instruments was not imported.
  • The XTB (XOpenHub) server interrupts every connection that requests too many foreign (false) symbols (instruments). XTB only supports Forex and CFDs.

Possible solutions

  • Re-import the XTB mappings and, if need be, the corresponding instrument lists as well. You can find further information on this in this Wiki article.
  • Delete all instruments/symbols that are shown as a warning in the protocol tab. As an extra aid, you should check the Last Prices column. If no prices are being displayed there, the instrument can be deleted from the list, since no data is being received here.
  • Use an alternative data feed such as TeleTrader, TaiPan, IQFeed, Barchart and co. for the data that is not made available by XTB. Here you can find a data feed overview for AgenaTrader.


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