

The Futures tab allows you to adjust the following specific settings:


Check the Show Rollover Alert checkbox if you wish to be shown the futures calendar window (see below) upon starting up AgenaTrader - it will appear if one of the major futures is <n> days before its rollover. The dialog window will open where the cursor is positioned.

In the Futures calendar window you will see the day of the month on which the rollover will take place:

  • If the rollover date lies within the time range between the predefined <n> days and the expiration date, then the corresponding cell will be highlighted in red.
  • If the expiration date lies in the past, then the corresponding cell will be highlighted in light red.
  • If the futures has already been rolled over to the next contract, then the corresponding cell will be highlighted in green.

By clicking on the symbol you will call up the detail window for the instrument within the Instrument Escort. Here you may make the necessary changes. More information about the rollover can be found in the section: Instrument Escort: Futures contract rollover.

Future EN

Arz Warning. The expiration dates are loaded from the Internet and therefore AgenaTrader can not guarantee their validity.

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