
Instrument Escort: Creating and managing instrument lists


Creating an instrument list

Inside the tab Instrument lists of the Instrument Escort you can create or edit existing instrument lists.

In order to create a new instrument list follow these steps:

  1. Assign the name for a new list manually.
  2. Add instruments using one of the following methods:
  • Manual entry in the "Symbol" cell


Arz Important note. You can also create a blank list by leaving this cell empty. However, you can only use a blank list as an LCG (list chart group).

  • Drag and drop:
    • from the instrument search section
    • from the list selection tree:
      • single values
      • instrument lists.

Clicking or double-clicking the checkbox will select an instrument / instrument list, after which you can drag it into a new instrument list.checkbox will select an instrument / instrument list, after which you can drag it into a new instrument list.


3. Click the Save button to add the new list to the list selection tree. Once finished, the list will be available for editing within the static lists in AgenaTrader.

Save Instrument List  

If you wish to create a new list (for example, from the scanner), then the name of the instrument list will be pre-initialized with <New List> or empty. The instrument list cannot be saved in either of these states.
If you choose an existing name, this instrument list will be overwritten.

Additional functions are available under the Instrument lists tab:

Instr List

  • Delete All: Clicking the arrow next to "Delete All" opens a drop-down menu where you can choose between Delete All Instruments or Instrument Lists. Delete All Instruments removes all instruments from the Instrument manager. Delete All Instrument Lists removes all instrument lists from the Instrument manager.
  • Remove List: deletes only the list
  • Export list: exports the symbol names into a CSV file
  • Exp. Instruments: exports the symbol names and all corresponding data into a CSV file

Instrument List Buttons2

  • Save: saves the instrument list
  • Remove: removes one or more marked instruments from the list (this can also be achieved by clicking the Delete button)
  • Synchronize: opens a new settings window that enables you to assign the same value to all entries in the list according to the specific instrument properties
  • Clear: removes all instruments from the list


Changes outside the Instrument Escort

You can edit Instrument lists outside the Instrument Escort using the following functionalities:

  • Click the Instrument list buttons in the action bar to make the necessary changes. These buttons will be displayed once you add them from the Action bar settings under the menu item Instrument List. Once an instrument's symbol is red, the instrument from the current chart will be added to the list. By clicking the button it can be added to as well as deleted from the corresponding list.

Act Bar4

  • Add an instrument to an instrument list with the  Instlist  icon in the chart toolbar.

Instrument Escort Listinstruments

  • The scanner has a multi-select function that allows you to add several instruments to a list in one go.

Instrument Escort AddMultipleLists


Favorite instrument list

You can define your favorite instrument list by selecting the corresponding icon in the chart toolbar and checking the Fav. checkbox in the popup. The favorite instrument list will be offered as the first option whenever a new LCG/TCG is created.

Create Tab Cgart Group  

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