
Order Escort (English)


The Order Escort is a window that includes more entry parameters for submitting orders than the usual order entry dialog.
The OrderEscort supports both automatic and manual mode.

The automatic mode will be activated when:

  • AgenaTrader++ (plusplus) is started,
  • an entry signal for an instrument is recognized within the Analyzer Escort (scanner) and
  • the list chart group is opened and contains a chart within the same time frame in which the signal has appeared.

If the chart already contains an active manual setup, then newly occurring signals will not be placed in the chart automatically.

The manual mode will only be activated when:

  • the checkbox Enter manual in the Trade tab of the Order Escort is checked.

This will allow you to input corrections to the automatic setups of AgenaTrader++ and enter your discretionary trades.

Order Escort

The Order Escort window consists of four distinct tabs:

Tab name Description
Trade Consists of two blocs:
Dot Trade: displays the current trading parameters such as entry price, stops, order and position size and risk.
Dot Strategy: displays the parameters for different strategies being used for currently running as well as future trades.
Target Displays the parameters for price level and target size.
Account Contains all important account data such as risk settings for the trading account.
Account manager Is not available at the moment

In the upper part of the Order Escort you can find the order buttons with the subcategories: "Direct", "Synthetic" and "Scale-In".
The lower part of the Order Escort contains the output window, which will inform the trader about the various events within the platform (executions, stop adjustments etc).

Left clicking on the Save Setup button will open a new dialog window and allow you to save a new manual setup, which will then be saved within the Setup Escort.

To place orders on the market with a mouse click you may use Discretionary function:


The background color of the Order Escort depends on the trading status of AgenaTrader++ and can be:

  • grey: AgenaTrader++ is in waiting mode, meaning that there is no setup attached to the instrument.
  • light green: when you have accepted a long trade setup (proposing mode) suggested by the Order Escort and have opened the long position (trading mode).
  • red: when you have accepted a short trade setup (proposing mode) suggested by the Order Escort and have opened the short position (trading mode).

The changes in background color will allow you to see immediately whether a signal has occurred, which chart is currently in trading mode and in which direction the trade has been submitted to the market.

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